Tuesday, July 9, 2019

African Culture and Music

African culture is very interesting. The people from West Africa may have little as far as material items, but they are happy. They have large families where if a brother is not an actual blood brother, they see no difference - they are all brothers and sisters. Family is very important and highly respected.
The African community is large and active here in Cambridge, MA with African drum and dance classes held every day of the week by master artists from Guinea, Mali, Senegal and Haiti. Their sense of community is enjoyed by all people no matter what race. One can easily become one of their extended family. When crises arise, they all pull together to help out whatever the situation.
African music is so versatile with numerous lively and foot stomping rhythms for every occasion. The array of instruments - djembes, djun djuns, balaphone, talking drums, krin, calabash and many more including bells and shakers are as numerous as the beautiful rhythmic sounds they make. Their clothes are colorful and enjoyed by many of us too who involve ourselves in this amazing, caring and social community.
If you're looking for fun, even learn to play an African instrument, check us out at the Dance Complex in Cambridge, MA. There is a large variety of dance classes and drum classes. There are a number of classes that are held at other locations in Cambridge as well. You can learn about them from http://www.wadabo.com. Some of us even drum on the Charles River.

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